Services - Trash & Recycling - Recycling - Recycling - City of New Orleans

2022-11-07 19:49:19 By : Mr. Jiang Mr.

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Some pickup days are changing in November. Check your address to confirm your trash and recycling days. Thick Rubber Bands

Services - Trash & Recycling - Recycling - Recycling  - City of New Orleans

Hint: For directional streets, use S for South and N for North

The City of New Orleans offers once weekly curbside recycling to properties that are eligible for the collection of solid waste by the City. 

Residents who are eligible for City sanitation services will receive one free recycling container. Recycling containers should be delivered within four weeks of request.

In the areas outside the French Quarter and Downtown Development District, the City provides one free 64-gallon blue Recycling Roll Cart per eligible unit. In the French Quarter and Downtown Development District, the City provides one free 18-gallon blue Recycling Bin per eligible unit. 

You may write your house number on the container with a grease pen or spray paint for easy identification.

If you received a recycling cart sticker in the mail, please attach it to the clean and dry lid of your black recycling cart. This sticker will help our crews see which carts are for recycling versus trash, making it faster and safer for them to collect your items.

If your street is closed for construction, please bring your cart to the closest accessible corner for collection. Mark your house number on the container with a grease pen or spray paint for easy identification.

If you do not have a cart, call 311 (504 539-3266) or visit to register for the curbside recycling program.

Replacement 64-gallon Recycling Roll Carts can be obtained from the City for a fee. Contact 311 for information on replacement Residential Recycling Roll Carts.

Replacement 18-gallon Recycling Bins can be purchased from local stores.  All bins should be 18-gallon, blue, and have the recycling logo imprinted.

Residents should report missed collections by contacting 311. 311 agents will log the missed collection and send a ticket to the collection company to address.

Please leave your recycling cart/bin on the curb so that the missed collection can be addressed the following day.

Rinse all food container items before placing in recycling roll carts or bins. Curbside-sorting is not required.

Do not place your recyclables in plastic bags for curbside collection. RECYCLING IN PLASTIC BAGS CANNOT BE RECYCLED.

Flatten corrugated boxes and place in bin or on ground next to bin. 

Empty and rinse all metal containers before recycling.

There is no curbside pick-up recycling of the following items. Residents can drop off these items at the Elysian Fields recycling drop-off on Saturdays from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m  for recycling.

​View the Household Items Recycling Drop-Off Calendar, which includes Household Hazardous Waste Day and Shred Days.

On certain dates, citizens can shred personal and/or sensitive paper goods up to 50 pounds per person This is a free community service offered in partnership with Iron Mountain. 

Type an address to get zoning, district, and service information for your location

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Services - Trash & Recycling - Recycling - Recycling  - City of New Orleans

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